LiNKBy Kern Family Health CareDescriptionKern Family Health Care (KFHC) Members can connect to the most used Member Portal features anytime and anywhere by downloading the KFHC mobile app, LiNK! Download LiNK to “link up” your mobile device and sign-in just as you do when you sign-in to your Member Portal account! Don’t have a Member Portal account? LiNK lets you sign up from your cell phone or other mobile device. LiNK FEATURESYou can see your KFHC information and use the self-service tools. You can also see if you are due for a checkup or other health action. VIEW YOUR MEMBER ID CARDView the front and back information on your ID cards whenever you need to. Email the card information to your provider or whoever requires it at the time or download the image to your mobile device.VIEW YOUR BENEFITS AND COVERAGE INFORMATIONStay up-to-date on your benefits and coverage! You can check your benefits and find answers to your coverage questions. OTHER LiNK FEATURESFind a doctor or request to change your primary care provider (PCP), view and change your address, phone number, email address and opt-in for texting and robocalls, view your referral history, and use many other self-service tools.VIEW YOUR HEALTH STATUSDo you want to know if it’s time for your annual health checkup? LiNK-up and find out with the Member Portal Health Care Reminders. This feature lets you see if you are due for your annual health checkup and tells you other important health care reminders based on your health status.SECURITYYour information is SECURE! You must always sign-in with your User Name and Password to access the features in this app. Without that information, no one can reach your personal data. It is safe.CAN’T ACCESS THE APPS FEATURES?You must sign-in to access the app’s features. Only members of Kern Family Health Care are allowed to log-in and use the LiNK app.ABOUT KERN FAMILY HEALTH CARE – Kern Family Health Care is the health plan of choice for Kern